Magdalena Smith
Founder and CEO, Behaviour Lab
Magdalena Smith
Founder and CEO, Behaviour Lab
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Magdalena Smith is the founder and CEO of Behaviour Lab.
Behaviour Lab works with leading global fund managers to enhance their decision-making process, and help them capture value from their ideas using advanced analytics and behavioural science.
Prior to founding Behaviour Lab, she spent 12 years in investment banking, leaving Goldman Sachs for an academic career at University of Cambridge. This is where Magdalena got the opportunity to develop her approach focusing on identifying and quantifying individual decision-making biases affecting fund managers and investment managers. This work was then solutionised during her time leading the EMEA people analytics team and co-leading the Science of Change service line at McKinsey & Co.
Behaviour Lab works with leading global fund managers to enhance their decision-making process, and help them capture value from their ideas using advanced analytics and behavioural science.
Prior to founding Behaviour Lab, she spent 12 years in investment banking, leaving Goldman Sachs for an academic career at University of Cambridge. This is where Magdalena got the opportunity to develop her approach focusing on identifying and quantifying individual decision-making biases affecting fund managers and investment managers. This work was then solutionised during her time leading the EMEA people analytics team and co-leading the Science of Change service line at McKinsey & Co.
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Using advanced analytics and behavioural science to improve decision making processes
Behavioural science has been used to understand and predict other parties’ behaviours in financial markets for a longer period of time, however it is only recent where the mirror is turned; and individuals in the industry have started focusing on their own behaviour and decision-making biases to find ways to capture more value in their investments. A natural progression has been for the industry to attempt to solutionize this, and where possibly doing so through software to scale, but what is it that makes investors, or any of us, change their behaviour and can software alone achieve this? Magdalena will speak about decision-making biases, their effects on decisions, how to identify them and what may be required for individuals to change their processes, values, and beliefs to reduce the negative effect that biases have on decision-making.